
Keith Barry Mentalism lecture

As Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Think of Keith Barry as an elite software engineer of the human brain. Featured with specials on both MTV and CBS, Keith also starred in Close Encounters with Keith Barry, a European TV series with aired in 28 countries.

Barry's repertoire ranges from the outright stunt -- driving a car at full speed blindfolded -- to mind control, mindreading, and hypnosis. The Irish magician's style has made him an extremely popular performer worldwide, both in live shows and on his European television series.

"Mr. Barry is not content merely to perform sleights of hand; he wants his audiences to know how deeply he embraces risk, how very life-affirming careering toward the canyon of eternity can be."
New York Times

1 comment:

Michael said...

This video is very well made. Thanks for this one
