
Yet Another Color Change

Yes.. another color change card trick for your viewing pleasure. This one is a 'brush change', where you brush one card over the face of another and the change occurs quickly.

I like this particular change, as it's fairly easy to master with a little practice. It's a good way to reveal a chosen card after you appear to fail the first time.

My main problem with most of these video's... the music. I wish they would leave the music on their computer and out of their video's. I started to publish another video card change aside from this one, but the music was so annoying..


Juan said...

That tenkay just hurt my eyes :)

Rick How do you feel about exposoure?

Not by this video, but if you go to the youtube page of this videos there´s a lot of magic been teached...
So how do you feel?

Mo Shaw said...

very simple change, yet pretty effective.